How To Keep Track Of Your Cash Flow

If you’re struggling to keep track of all your bills and income it may be keeping you up at night.

Initially, you think that your credit card’s autopay is your best friend – and then suddenly, it betrays you at the worst time.

I’m a transactions specialist. Having a background in market making where trade execution was crucial for our success – we understand how to organize our purchases.

I’m going to show you what you shouldn’t be doing and from that information alone it should help you realize what you should be doing.

People come to me for advice with these timing issues so that they can have more peace about the financial health of their business.

You should not rely on autopay. It’s because you will forget which dates your bills are due, and that can cause you to have a negative balance. Something nobody wants.

You should not expect your customers to pay you on time! This falls back on why autopay is such a negative factor in a business doing over 7 figures in gross profit.

Imagine a customer defaults and you have no way to collect but your bills are still due.

You don’t have clear contract terms with your customers.

We help our clients create clear terms and conditions with their customers. They never have to stress about late payments or disputes ever again.

Without the right foundation, you will cause yourself and your business more stress and harm than it needs.

That’s why your credit card payment scheduling system doesn’t work. It’s because you’re treating the symptom instead of curing the disease.

You can quickly fix these issues by negotiating milestone bonuses or setting up an installment plan.

Sometimes, it’s just as simple as sending your customers a reminder.

But doing all these steps in the right order matters.

That’s why we’ve built out a custom blueprint for our clients to follow to help them achieve the same peace of mind we talk about here.

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